Name:Alicia Forester.
Family:Annabelle Forester(Deceased),Zachary Forester(Deceased),Nolan Forester(Grandfather).
Dying Will Flame Attribute:Storm.
Fighting Style:Gunblade a unique weapon in itself she aptly named it Crisis and a special set of chains she had made that seem to have a life of there own but commands them through her will and mind.
Box weapons: Kasai Storm Phoenix, Kasai Storm Box
Appearance:Swimmers body build and has a light tan and has a clear face with no freckles has waist length curly blue hair and has tarnished amber colored eyes.
Bio:Smart and assertive has a calming aura about her and she has good leadership skills and makes sure that in every situation that people don't get involved in mafia affairs especially if they are her friends.
History: (If want)